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Cristian Barber Shop

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Version: 3.1.1
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Pupa - Face Body Photo Editor3.0.1_Popularmodapk.com

Pupa - Face Body Photo Editor

Ready to edit and perfect your photos the easy way? With Pupa – photo editor, you can start editing your photos to perfection in a manner of seconds. Pupa – Photoshop application, which offers many different features, is exactly the photo editor you need. Recreate your photos with many different features of Pupa, the most preferred photoshop application in the store.

• Stretch overall shape of your face reshape your face, such as thinner chins and forehead.
• Reshape facial components to boost your beauty
• Change positions of facial features
• Emphasize different part of your face by increasing or decreasing volume of face components
• Change shape of facial components to sparkle even more.
• Make anyone smile with the advance reshaping capabilities

• Add advance makeup to your photos
• Increase the depth with contour
• Add blush to boost prettiness
• Select any eyeliner, eyelashes, eyeshadow model among countless ready to use options
• Select any preferred color for any of the makeup option to further shine
• Change your eyebrow with alternatives designed by our professional makeup specialists

• Change color of any part of your face
• Recolor your face skin with our foundation tool
• Change color of your hair to countless alternative color options
• Emphasize your lips with various lipstick color options
• Brush any part of the image with your choice of color via out brush tool

• Brush any part of the image with our advance brush tool
• Make any part of the image smoother or contrastive
• Highlight center of focus with highlighter brush

• Erase any unwanted object from the image by just marking it
• Remove any acne on your face by simply selecting it

• Edit your photos with advance photoshop tools with our tune tool
• Select among countless special filters to boost your pictures

• With our bokeh tool, blur out background to increase focus on just yourself!
• Make background dimmer to show your light
• Replace background scene with our preset scenes


- You can subscribe for unlimited access to all features and content offered for purchase within Pupa.

- Subscriptions are billed monthly or annually at the rate selected depending on the subscription plan. Alternatively a one time payment plan is available (this is not a subscription).

- Subscriptions auto-renew at the cost of the chosen package, unless cancelled 24-hours in advance prior to the end of the current period. The subscription fee is charged to your iTunes account at confirmation of purchase. You may manage your subscription and turn off auto-renewal by going to your Account Settings after purchase. Per Apple policy, no cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during active subscription period. Once purchased, refunds will not be provided for any unused portion of the term.

- If eligible for free trial and you subscribe before your free trial ends, the rest of your free trial period will be forfeited as soon as your purchase is confirmed. Subscriptions will start immediately after free trial ends unless canceled at least 24 hours prior to the end of the trial period.

- Terms of use: https://gorkemalgan.github.io/pupa/termofuse/

- Privacy policy: https://gorkemalgan.github.io/pupa/privacypolicy/

v3.0.1 · 235.4MB
Consuelo Guzman - Tips de Moda y Como Vestir1.0_Popularmodapk.com

Consuelo Guzman - Tips de Moda y Como Vestir

Esta app para combinar ropa también es un asistente de estilo personal en tu celular, al cual podrás acudir las 24 horas del día para saber cómo vestirte en cualquier ocasión, según tu estilo y morfología.

¿Quién es la persona detrás de esta app?

Esta aplicación fue creada por Consuelo Guzmán, una asesora de imagen personal, personal shopper, ex-reina de concurso de belleza nacional de colombia, modelo y creadora de contenido colombiana con más de 11 años de experiencia en el sector de la moda.

¿Puedo usarla GRATIS?

Si, el app cuenta con un servicio totalmente gratuito llamado “Para Mi” que se compone de videos y tips exclusivos de: recomendaciones de colores, siluetas, estampados e información sobre las últimas tendencias de moda especialmente para ti.

Ahora, si quieres tener más beneficios y lucir mejor, contamos con un modelo de suscripción para acceder a 4 nuevos servicios premium.

¿Cuál es nuestra gran misión?

Nuestro trabajo es hacerte ver bien y sentirte bien.

¿Tiene algún modelo de suscripción?

Sí, para poderla utilizar al máximo debes pagar una suscripción anual de $29,99 dólares.

¿Pero sabías que un asesor de imagen personalizado podria cobrar más de 200 dólares en una sola sesión? Así es, esta aplicación te entregará la mejor relación costo beneficios, a la hora de vestirse bien.

¿Qué debo hacer para sacarle el mejor provecho?

Para que esta app funcione de la mejor forma, solo debes llenar un formulario con la siguiente información de ti, tu cuerpo y estilo personal. Para activar este servicio premium debes tener la suscripción activa por 1 año.

¿Qué obtendré al ingresar mi información personal?

Al ingresar tu información personal el app hará, para tí, una asesoría de imagen donde te indicará qué ropa usar, cómo maquillarte, qué peinados y accesorios ponerte y que colores de prendas comprar para que así puedas lucir con una silueta armoniosa en todo momento.

¿Qué más hace esta app?

Adicional a la asesoría de imagen y del sistema de combinación de ropa que te brinda, también podrás ingresar imágenes de todas las prendas de tu armario para que el app te haga propuestas de cómo combinarlas y vestirte bien.

Pero eso no es todo, las imágenes con la ropa o vestimenta, que señalamos en el app, también te llevarán a un link de compra rápido y fácil en una de las plataformas de comercio electrónicos más grande del mundo.

¡Pero tranquila! Consuelo personalmente ha revisado cada una de estas prendas de ropa para que tu compra sea respaldada y segura.

¿Adónde debo enviar mis dudas, reclamos o reportes?

Puedes escribirnos a cualquiera de las siguientes direcciones de correo electrónico: [email protected], [email protected]

v1.0 · 33.2MB
Trucos de Belleza Caseros1.1.2_Popularmodapk.com

Trucos de Belleza Caseros

💠 BEAUTY TRICKS brings you hundreds of beauty secrets and the best thing is that they are homemade and natural beauty tricks which you can do from the comfort of your home and with ingredients that you can find in your cupboard so you will not spend money. 💠

If you are tired of searching through thousands of websites, videos and others to find the solution to your problems, then this application brings you the best solution. These beauty treatments will help you enhance your attributes naturally, you will find home remedies for acne problems, skin blemishes and much more.

We have different categories where you will find beauty tips for each part of your body, they are easy and cheap recipes in addition to being natural and in this way you will avoid adverse allergic reactions; You must keep in mind to follow the instructions correctly.

We have made an effort to create a fast and fluid application, easy to use so that you can find the home remedy or beauty tips that you need and without major complications; this is a simple and quite intuitive application so it is the perfect solution for problems associated with personal care and beauty; We also offer you results related to your searches in our application, that is, if you are looking for a home remedy for acne, in addition to receiving literal results, you will also find beauty tips to improve the appearance of the skin, beauty tips to lighten spots on the skin and much more.

Here you will find the recipes and secrets to enhance your physical beauty which will help you increase your self-esteem.

Remember that all our recipes are natural, so you can enjoy homemade masks without any risk to your health, so you can be calm and apply these natural masks without fear; And if you are a teenager then it is perfect for you since we have the best beauty tips for teenagers with homemade ingredients.

We have organized all our recipes in 7 different categories so that it is much faster and easier to access the hundreds of homemade tricks through the following sections:

💠 Beauty tips for hair.
💠 Face care masks
💠 Beauty tips for the eyes.
💠 Tips for lip care.
💠 Beauty tricks for hands.
💠 Beauty tricks to take care of your legs.
💠 Home remedies for body care.

Download this app totally free and requires internet access!!

Note: If you like the content of our application, it would be very helpful if you could rate us with ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ and give us a positive comment.

v1.1.2 · 10.0MB
تكبيرالشفايف وتوريدهافي المنزل1_Popularmodapk.com

تكبيرالشفايف وتوريدهافي المنزل

تكبير الشفاه طرق فعالة وقوية جدا للحصول على شفاه كبيرة وممتلئة بشكل طبيعي
يحتوي تطبيق تمارين تكبير الشفاه على طرق سريعة المفعول في الحصول على شفاه اكثر امتلاء .ويحتوي على
وصفات لتوريد الشفايف طبيعيا يقدم طرق طبيعية للتمتع بشفاه وردية
الشفاه هي واحدة من السمات الأساسية التي تحدد وجهك، ليس هناك شك أن الشفاه الوردية بشكل طبيعي هي ميزة جذابة لجمال المرأة أو الرجل. تعاني بعض النساء من اللون الداكن لشفاههن، والذي يكون أحياناً طبيعياً وأحياناً أخرى ناتجاً عن مؤثرات معينة، فشفتيك تحتاج إلى القليل من الحب والاهتمام. يمكن الاستعانة بالعلاجات المنزلية الطبيعية الفعاله لتغيير لون شفتيك، وهذه الطرق لتحقيق النتائج التي تريدينها لتفتيح لون شفتيك الداكنة و لا تتطلب العناء تجديها في تطبيق وصفات طبيعية لتوريد الشفايف طبيعيا
تعتبر الشفاه هي عنوان الجمال عند المرأة ولكي تحافظي على صحتهما وتألقهما نقدم لك مجموعة من الطرق لتورد الشفايف طبيعيً

v1 · 30.9MB
Polish Photo Editor1.3_Popularmodapk.com

Polish Photo Editor

Photo Collage- Pic Collage Maker is the incredible Foto editor app for android, Make photo collage, add photo Filters and change your ugly photos into beauty and smart look photo using Mirror image camera. Make Photo collage fix size photo collage and custom size photo collage in add photos as many as you can for photo collage maker. Add photo Frames into your photo and make it more adorable, Many Photo Frames are available in Polish Photo Editor. For Perfect Foto Editor use our PicsApp in which many photo editing options available for free. Mirror Photo and Photo shapes using selfie camera and pic collage maker and photo filters, All in one photo editors in one app Polish Photo Editor. Add any color background and blur photo background, gradient color background and collage making photo collage editor. Photo background remover: to remove unwanted background from your photo. Add colorful photo background and photo filters. We designed many frame to celebrate birthday, valentine's day and marriage anniversary.

Combine photos with collage photo layouts and free collage space for collage making, add more photos for making beautiful collages. Foto editor change your pics into art and use photo filters to make it more perfect, photo effects and Foto editing tools. Polish Photo Editor for pic sharpness and shadow adjustment with photo mirror option to Remix of photos to create photo collages and photo editor. Unique photo effects and many photo filters to make photos more beautiful photo collages. Add texts to photo and photo frames also crop your photo borders and add photo frames. Remove background of your photo and Rotate, mirror photo, flip photo. Make blur background to your photos and give shapes to your photos.

Edit photo using Neural Art Styles and turn ugly photo into an artwork use pre-set styles for collage making and make free style collage photo. Use Photo frames and use photos beautiful frames to make them more prettier. Polish Photos with photo effects and image filters and use face effects to display picture. Realistic photo effects and background remover with Airbrush make new wonderful experience with Photo collage maker. Face photo montages maker in which swap face photos and place them into one photo using Montage Photo maker. Taking unusual selfies without Photo filters and use photo filters such as Black&White, Neon Glow, Oil Painting and many more only in foto editor. Photo collages with free style collage maker create wonderful picture of you and friends of your with sentimental or futuristic setting. Face photo montages and photo background blur effect make more adorable photos with Photo Editor and Collage maker new Effects photo Editor. Face effects and text on photos is the new options in Polish Photo Editor.

Key Features of Photo Background Remover:
★ Make beautiful collages with combine photos and fixed photo collage layouts.
★ Collage maker with free style collage maker android app.
★ Pics editor turn photos into art using photo filters, foto effects and photo editing tools.
★ Background remover for photos: Buildin Photo background remover for android to remove unwanted objects from photo background.
★ Polish Photos with top photo editing tools not only collage maker also image sharpness, Image shadow adjustment and background blur option available in Blur background photo Editor.
★ Many unique photo effects for photo editing and for photo collage making.
★ Add texts on your photo and photo frames for photo borders and frames photo.
★ Mirror photo with different shapes and add text on your photo and different fonts text on photo are available.
★ Adjust photo brightness, mirror photo, Rotate image and flip images and many more option in Mirror photo editor.
★ Add blur background and photo background remover. All photo editors in one app.

Install Polish Photo Editor for free and start make photo collages, mirror photos, add photo filter, try new photo effect and remove photo background.

v1.3 · 16.1MB
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