《饥荒:联机版》是Klei Entertainment制作发行的一款生存冒险游戏,本作是《饥荒》的多人联机独立资料片。联机版包含了“Reign of Giants DLC”,并增加了新的角色、季节、生物、怪物和巨人,关键是,玩家可以和自己的朋友一起冒险。玩家可以在本地建立私人游戏邀请局域网中的朋友,也可以加入线上游戏。
Bug Fixes
Unlimited Currency Unlimited Diamonds
unlimited currency
Unlock all apartments Unlock allhome stores Unlock alloutdoor
Some low system models may not be able to enter, players who cannot be installed normally, recommend downloading this "Avatar Maker Dress up for kids" Added new mod to playmods floating window 1.posh pups 2.kawall makeup 3.Witch and Werewolf
Built-in menu, the menu contains the following functions: 1.God Mode
The Full Content
Unlimited Diamonds(Increase when you spent)
Unlimited Event Points No ads Note: If the game cannot be installed, you can try uninstalling the game and reinstalling it.