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Voctor apk app v1.0 for android

1.0 for Android
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The description of Voctor

1. VOCTOR is an Artificial Intelligence app of virtual doctors and medical experts, covering subjects starting from women’s health and expanding to new areas, continuously.

2. VOCTOR users can talk to virtual doctors to learn about diseases, conditions, clinical steps, treatment options, and the latest research.

3. VOCTOR also provides podcasts of the latest research and medical stories relevant to the user’s case. Podcasts are interactive where the user can ask questions about the story while listening.

4. VOCTOR conversations are anonymous. No personal information is asked or stored.

5. VOCTOR can connect the user to a doctor via email, SMS, and video conferencing depending on the availability.

6. VOCTOR is a subscription service with in app purchases for telemedicine. Subscription enables unrestricted, 24/7 access to all (present and future) virtual experts and podcast content.

7. VOCTOR only includes content that is handpicked, curated, and edited by our medical experts.

8. VOCTOR is constantly trained with new and advanced knowledge by medical experts in its ecosystem.

9. VOCTOR does not give any medical advice, nor disputes any existing medical treatment prescribed for the user. The user’s medical records are not accessed.

10. VOCTOR is a byproduct of a decade long artificial intelligence research in cloning human mind and expertise to create conversational computer systems.


Voctor 1.0 Update

First release of VOCTOR is an Artificial Intelligence app of virtual doctors and medical experts, covering subjects starting from women’s health and expanding to new areas, continuously.

Additional Information

Category:  Medical
Publisher:  exClone Inc
Requirements:  Andriod 5.0+
Publish Date:  10/11/2022
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GG Sex Life2.01.69_Popularmodapk.com

GG Sex Life

Wish to have a better sex life? Want more confidence in bed? Crave to get more joy out of your sexual interactions? Want to reduce fears relating to sexual functioning? 

Throw away negative thoughts. Approach positive ones. Learn to identify your inner self talk and respond quickly. Train daily and improve your wellness.

New findings support the effectiveness of the core mechanism used in GG apps.
According to CBT models, negative self talk – individuals’ ongoing interpretations of the self, others and the world - maintain psychological difficulties such as anxiety, low self esteem, negative mood, and maladaptive behaviours.

The foundations of healthy sexual confidence and self esteem are built upon beliefs. Our beliefs have the potential to bias and affect our ability to deal with intimate relationships as well as daily situations. For example, if I believe that "everything in myself needs to be prefect", I won't be able to live up to these expectations in bed and my confidence in intimate and sexual situations will decrease.

As women and men are different, our apps content is adapted to different genders. Our app is also personalized to each individual.

Beliefs and self talk are interrelated. Once we learn to embrace healthier and more adaptive self-talk, it can change our beliefs and help us get rid of the ones that negatively affect our seuxal confidence and self esteem.

The application is designed to:
1. Increase your awareness of negative thoughts.
2. Train you to identify and challenge negative thoughts.
3. Increase your access to neutral and positive thoughts.
4. Increase the automaticity of the above processes.
5. Provide daily confidence and self esteem boost.

Our app platform is not designed to be used as a therapy or treatment, however:
1. It is being used by CBT therapists as a complementing tool.
2. It helps in maintaining self esteem during or after therapy.
3. It is found to relieve symptoms of anxiety, worries, obsessions and more.

The basic task in the app is simple - you will be presented with thoughts. If the thought promotes negative self talk - throw it away by dragging it on-screen. If the thought promotes positive or neutral thinking, accept it by dragging it towards you.
The more we train, the more automatic this process becomes.

To feel better and improve your confidence in bed, start today! We believe apps allow us to learn and train quickly and effectively. GG Apps are designed to be most effective in short training sessions. You are advised to complete up to 3 levels per day, which should only take between 2-4 minutes.

The app's many topics and themes are broken down into more than 50 levels. Each level has a pool of self talk statements (or thoughts). Users are required to complete a random set of 'blocks' to complete the level.

The topics include: Self-expectations and sex, rigid vs. creative sex, sexual desire, fear of being judged, comparisons and sex, self criticism in bed fear of abandonment and fear of trusting in sex, and more.

Training using this application, allows for gradual, steady learning of more adaptive self-talk thereby helping to break the vicious thought cycle maintaining low sexual self-esteem.

The key to using the app is learning new topics, but even more importantly - training daily. There are levels designed as "daily training" for you to play once you completed your base course.

Visit our website: http://ggapps.net

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v2.01.69 · 16.3MB
Dr. Diet and Insulin3.44_Popularmodapk.com

Dr. Diet and Insulin

The perfect diet plan is also very important along with the taking of medicines. Only taking the medicines does not help you much to maintain the blood sugar level.

Diet Plan gives you complete guidance about the things to eat. This diet plan helps to maintain blood sugar level along with medicines. It is also beneficial for those who want to lose weight. With this diet plan, you can lose weight.

If you are worried about where and how to inject Insulin this app provides you complete guidance about this.

Diagnostic criteria and insulin dose calculator are also available within the app.

Nowadays many peoples do not know how to check Blood Sugar at home. There are simple steps that help you to check your blood sugar level at home.

You can analyze your HbA1c, Blood sugar level, and blood pressure with the help of analyzers. Analyzer's records are also saved in your profile which you can share with your doctor or any other person.

You can also maintain your medical history and you can download it in pdf from or share it with others.

Doctors can print the prescription. If you face the problems like printing prescription pads and then write medicine on them this app will solve all of your these problems. Two options available are to write a prescription on the plain page and write prescription on prescription pad. If you choose to write a prescription on the plain page then the app will write create a page just like the prescription pad page with doctors' details on it.
v3.44 · 9.0MB
MSD Manual Consumer1.9.1_Popularmodapk.com

MSD Manual Consumer


PLEASE READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING: This is a native app and will store medical topics and associated images, figures, and on-demand downloaded videos on the device’s internal storage. Hence, to enable this storage, BY DEFAULT Android OS (from version 6.0 and above) prompts permission to "Allow App to access photos, media, and files on your device?" before installation.

*** Downloading this app is a 2-step process: the first step is a download of the app template, and the second step is a full download of app content. This can take 5 to 10 minutes on wifi in 64-bit devices. 32-bit devices may take longer. Please do not navigate away from the app until both steps have been completed. ***

App Permissions Install Settings Note:
• We do not collect or use any personal information. There are, however, some permissions necessary for the app to function properly.
1. Photos/Media/Files – This allows the app to store the medical content and multimedia for offline use without requiring the user to reload all the large content when the app updates.
2. Device and App History – This is used only to keep the app and content up to date.

Medical knowledge is power. The MSD Manual Consumer App features clear, practical explanations for thousands of medical disorders, including symptoms and what doctors do to diagnose and treat medical conditions.

The trusted MSD Manual Consumer medical app for home reference offers:
• Health and medical information written and updated regularly by more than 350 medical experts
• Topics searchable by symptom, diagnosis or treatment, all written in easy-to-understand language
• Photos and Illustrations on thousands of disorders and diseases
• Animations that visually demonstrate diseases and treatments
• Interactive Quizzes* to test knowledge on health topics
• Medical News and Commentary* covering the most current and important health topics
• Editorials* written by top medical experts
*Internet access needed.

About MSD Manuals

Our mission is simple:
We believe that health information is a universal right and that every person is entitled to accurate, accessible and usable medical information. We have a responsibility to protect, preserve and share the best current medical information to enable more informed decisions, enhance relationships between patients and professionals, and improve health care outcomes around the world.
That’s why we are making the MSD Manuals available for free in digital form to professionals and patients around the world. No registration or subscription required, and no ads.

NOND-1179303-0001 04/16
This mobile application is intended for use outside the United States, its territories, Puerto Rico, and Canada only.

For more information please read the End User License Agreement at

For more information about our privacy practices, please see our privacy commitment at https://www.msdprivacy.com.

Adverse Event Reporting: Countries outside the United States may have specific procedures in place to address reports of adverse events. Please contact your local MSD office or local health authority for more information.

For questions or help with the app, please contact [email protected]

v1.9.1 · 140.4MB
MSD Manual Professional1.9.1_Popularmodapk.com

MSD Manual Professional


PLEASE READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING: This is a native app and will store medical topics and associated images, figures, and on-demand downloaded videos on the device’s internal storage. Hence, to enable this storage, BY DEFAULT Android OS (from version 6.0 and above) prompts permission to "Allow App to access photos, media, and files on your device?" before installation.

*** Downloading this app is a 2-step process: the first step is a download of the app template, and the second step is a full download of app content. This can take 5 to 10 minutes on wifi in 64-bit devices. 32-bit devices may take longer. Please do not navigate away from the app until both steps have been completed. ***

App Permissions Install Settings Note:
• We do not collect or use any personal information. There are, however, some permissions necessary for the app to function properly.
1. Photos/Media/Files – This allows the app to store the medical content and multimedia for offline use without requiring the user to reload all the large content when the app updates.
2. Device and App History – This is used only to keep the app and content up to date.

The amount of clinical information currently doubles every 18 months and the pace is only getting faster. Stay up-to-date with the MSD Manual Professional App.

The MSD Manual Professional App provides health care practitioners and students with clear, practical explanations for thousands of conditions in all major medical and surgical specialties. It covers etiology, pathophysiology, and options for evaluation and treatment.

The trusted MSD Manual Professional medical app offers:

• Thousands of topics written and updated regularly by more than 350 academic physicians
• Photos and Illustrations on thousands of disorders and diseases
• “How to” Videos on numerous outpatient procedures and physical examinations. Concise instructional videos by medical experts on these key topics:
- Casting and splinting techniques
- Orthopedic examinations
- Neurologic examinations
- Obstetric procedures
- Outpatient procedures (including IV lines, tubes, catheters, dislocation reductions and more)
• Quizzes* check knowledge of medical disorders, symptoms, and treatments
• Medical News and Commentary* covering the most current and important medical topics
• Editorials* written by top medical experts

*Internet access needed.

About MSD Manuals
Our mission is simple:
We believe that health information is a universal right and that every person is entitled to accurate, accessible and usable medical information. We have a responsibility to protect, preserve and share the best current medical information to enable more informed decisions, enhance relationships between patients and professionals, and improve health care outcomes around the world.
That’s why we are making the MSD Manuals available for free in digital form to professionals and patients around the world. No registration or subscription required, and no ads.

NOND-1179303-0001 04/16
This mobile application is intended for Healthcare Professionals.
For more information please read the End User License Agreement at

For more information about our privacy practices, please see our privacy commitment at http://www.msdprivacy.com.

Adverse Event Reporting: To report an adverse event with a specific MSD product, please call the National Service Center at 1-800-672-6372. Countries outside the United States may have specific procedures in place to address reports of adverse events. Please contact your local MSD office or local health authority for more information.

For questions or help with the app, please contact [email protected]

v1.9.1 · 137.5MB
On Call® Care Alliance3.1.16_Popularmodapk.com

On Call® Care Alliance

Track and monitor your blood sugar and instantly share your data with your support team and healthcare provider. All of your data is securely stored in the cloud and accessible from mobile or web. Invite caregivers including family, friends, or healthcare providers to view your glucose data as a supporting role in your diabetes management program. Diabetes management with your On Call® glucose meter is made easier allowing access to colorful reports and providing a view of your progress for you and others. This mobile app is a part of the On Call Care Alliance cloud platform and is intended for use with On Call branded glucose meters.


• At-a-glance blood glucose charts and graphs

• Simple data summaries

• Ability to share with caregivers (family, friends, healthcare providers)

• Cloud support allowing simplified access to data from multiple devices

Disclaimer: Users are recommended to seek a Doctor’s advice in addition to using this app and before making any medical decisions

On Call Care Alliance is a data management app that works with blood glucose monitors to help users and healthcare professionals manage diabetes.
The app is for use only in Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, and the United States.
The compatible Bluetooth blood glucose monitors with CE Mark clearance for use in the UK and EU countries include On Call Extra Mobile, On Call Sure Sync and GIMA Bluetooth Blood Glucose Meter.
The compatible Bluetooth blood glucose monitors with FDA 510(k) clearance for use in the United States include On Call Express Mobile and On Call Sure Sync.

v3.1.16 · 14.1MB
로켓닥터 - 의사용 비대면 원격 진료1.0.8_Popularmodapk.com

로켓닥터 - 의사용 비대면 원격 진료

로켓닥터, 진료가 필요한 사람들에게 가장 빠른 비대면 진료 서비스를 제공합니다.

로켓닥터는 의사 선생님들께서 비대면 진료가 필요한 환자들과 음성 또는 화상 통화로 진료할 수 있게 해줍니다. 경증환자들에게 원격 진료를 통해 빠르게 증상 관련한 처방을 내릴 수 있으며 처방 후에는 우주약방 앱을 통해 처방된 약을 환자분들에게 빠르게 배송해 드립니다. 더 많은 진료가 필요한 사람들에게 더 빠르게 다가갈 수 있도록 로켓닥터가 전문의 선생님들과 함께 하고자 앱 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.

비대면 진료 서비스
앱에서는 별도의 웹사이트에서 수집된 환자분들과 음성 또는 화상 통화를 클릭 한번으로 가능하도록 해줍니다. 환자들은 우주약방을 통해서 간편하게 집앞까지 약을 배송 받습니다.

처방도 간편하게
처방전 및 결제는 웹사이트에서 결제 금액만 입력하면 자동 결제 시스템을 통해 진료비가 결제됩니다. 로켓닥터에서는 전문의 선생님들께 더욱 간편한 진료비 결제 시스템을 드리고자 환자분들의 결제 정보를 간편하게 사용하시도록 간편 자동 결제 시스템을 제공하고 있습니다.

정산도 쉽고 빠르게
진료비는 매월 정해진 주기로 빠르고 간편하게 받고자 하는 계좌번호로 정산됩니다. 진료 내역 또한 별도로 정확하게 정리하여 제공해 드립니다. 진료에 집중하실 수 있도록 정확한 정산 시스템을 통하여 불편함이 없도록 제공해 드리고자 합니다.

프라이빗 진료 지원
로켓닥터를 사용하실경우 로켓닥터 웹사이트를 통해 주치의 컨셉의 프라이빗 진료를 예약하시거나 즉시 접수하실 수 있습니다. 기존 병원에 내원하는 환자분들에게도 로켓닥터를 통해 비대면 진료 서비스를 아주 쉽게 이용할 수 있게 해드립니다.

v1.0.8 · 116.3MB
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